Chan Widget Launcher Fast Download Link

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Free download from Changet Launcher (previously HD Widgets) for Windows PC. This versatile tool improves desktop functionality with customizable widgets.

General description of the Widgets Chan pitcher

is a modern pitcher designed to host and customize widgets and skins on his desk. It provides an easy interface to use many features to customize your desktop experience. These widgets can include watches, weather updates, RSS feeds, calendars, calculators, CPU monitors and more.

Key features

    • Extension support for third -party skins and vignettes: can extend the functionality by downloading additional snicks and videos from microesoft stores. This feature provides users with unlimited customization options to adapt their desks according to their preferences.
    • 5 -day forecasts: Stay informed about climatic conditions with your 5 -day prognosis function. Plan your week and make informed decisions based on weather predictions.
    • world watches: make time in the different time areas with its world clock function. Whether it works with international colleagues or plan global meetings, this characteristic guarantees that it be held on time. Whether it travels abroad or manages international transactions, this feature provides a conversion of currency in real time at your fingertips.
    • feeds RSS: use the RSS Feeds function to stay updated with the latest news and updates of your favorite websites and blogs. Personate your feed to receive updates on topics that care.
    • Adhesive notes: The function of adhesive notes helps you stay organized and track important tasks. Create reminders, write down quick notes and maintain productive with this practice tool.
    • Slide presentation: The slide presentation function shows your favorite photos and images. Personate your slide presentation with various transition configurations and configurations to create a personalized visualization experience.
    • CPU meter: monitor your computer’s performance with your CPU meter function. Trace the use of CPU in real time and optimize performance for softer computer experience.
    • unit converter: convert between different measurement units effortlessly with the unit converter function. Either to convert the length, weight or temperature, this tool simplifies complex calculations with its intuitive interface.
    • digital watches: monitor time with the function of digital watches. Choose between several elegant watch designs to show on your desk for easy timing.
    • Calculator:

      Use the built -in calculator function to perform rapid calculations. Whether you are attacking numbers for work or school, this convenient tool guarantees precise results without a separate application.

    • calendar: stay organized and never lose an important date with the calendar function. See the next events, establish reminders and manage your schedule effortlessly with this integrated calendar tool.

System Requirements:

    • Operating System: Windows 11/10
    • Processor: Minimum 1 GHz processor (2.4 GHz Recommended)

    RAM: RAM: GHz (2.4 GHz) (4GB or more recommended)

    • Free hard disk space:

      Chan Widget Launcher Fast

      500MB or more is recommended


Widgets Chan’s pitcher offers a complete set of widgets and schemes to improve your desktop experience. Its modern interface, extension support and various characteristics allow users to customize and customize their desks according to their preferences.

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