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Free Download ETA DYNAFORM for Windows PC. It is a software solution for the simulation that revolutionizes the design processes and the stature of the de.
Revision of ETA DYNAFORM
This software provides a platform to bypass the soft tools, a significant reduction of the attempted time, a reduction in costs, increase productivity and instill complete reliability in system projects. In addition, it allows users to evaluate alternative and unconventional projects and materials and relieve the path for innovation on the field.
empty -size engineering (BSE)
empty or BSE is crucial to evaluate the empty size necessary for the production of the process. This goes beyond evaluation, helping you in an empty nesting to maximize the use of materials, reduce waste and optimize pieces. This powerful supplement is not stopped here; It also provides for thinning and thickening during the formation of a training diagram of the training (FLD). With BSE, you will fully understand the limits of the use of materials and training.
Formability simulation (FS)
Formability simulation module (FS) is the map to develop and confirm the single and progressive design of the matrix. With FS, you can discover problematic areas hidden in the design and make decisions based on data to optimize them. This translates into precise training results and a more efficient design process. FS is your partner in reaching excellence in the design of the nut.
The evaluation of the matrix (D-Eval)
most of the tool design was created in the CAD environment, therefore the D-Eval module is adapted to the support and analysis of the design and engineering design based on CAD. This specialized module guarantees that your tool projects are imperceptible with the reality of production, reducing errors and inefficiency in the process.
Dieka (DSA) Analysis
DSA actually provides for countless concerns in the production of the line. It helps to analyze the removal of spills/waste, molds of structural integrity and transmission/sheet metal. By identifying potential problems in an early process, DSA helps prevent expensive delays, providing regular production.
optimization platform
The module of the optimization platform download the design process to the next level. Not only to identify the problematic areas; It also includes design optimization to improve performance and quality. These include reduction problems such as folds, thinning and laceration, improvement of final products and decrease in waste.
System requirements
- Operating system: Windows 7/8/8: 18/18/11
- <chi </strong): </strong. They have 5 GB of free space available
- processor: the dual -core intel processor is necessary for optimal performance
ETA DYNAFM is a software solution for the simulation that refers to the revolutionary design of its systems. Its modules, such as an empty -made engineering, formability simulation, matrix evaluation, analysis of the matrix system and optimization platform, provide complete tools to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of the product.
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